Saturday, July 26, 2008


Well Haven't posted in ages, maybe because Valve stole my idea of a TF2 Blog and decided to create one :) hehe nah, but you can check out their blog here.

Yarr! doesn't scrim or play in any friendly games because they are all lazy bitches.
Had some offers lately, maybe someday.........:)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

The girl pirates wear dresses too

Girls are taking over team fortress! well kind of, Yarr! now has 3 female members Shadowkiss, TankGirl01 & myself (Mystic). Hopefully we can get some more in our clan.

Yarr! is a group of casual players we don't do scrims or anything, we just play for fun. We all belong to the same ship & only take orders from the captain Pc_Madness along side his co-partner Odium. So the rest of us left scrubbing the floors of the deck, I demand more gold for my leetness.

Ahoy we all be pirate's now!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Are you worthy?

Well with the new achievements due out any time this year I came across some good ideas on the net Valve can look into, we really do need these ones in the game. To see some click the picture below!

TF2 Girls

Seeing as I'm really into TF2 and that I'm female (shock horror) I decided to put together a little page of random images I found of the more feminine side of the game. The images are not mine but I thought were pretty cool.

I was actually disappointed that there wasn't a female model in TF2. I always had one to pick from in Quake 3 CTF. Maybe one day they might add some bush pig heavy biker chick or a sleek sexy spy into the equation. Anyhow I will be adding more girlies to this page over time. I might even make some images myself!

The pinups:
The Girl Scout
The Demo Lady
The Girl Soldier
The Girl Pyro

The anime:
Engineer Part 1
Engineer Part 2
The Girl Scout

Group Shot:

More Drawings:
Demo Girl
The Girl Medic
The Emo Pyro
The Girl Engineer
Hello Kitty Pyro

Real Life TF2:
Group Shot