Friday, September 28, 2012


So over the years some may say my Quake 3/Live setup is fucked - I agree you do have a point. I hadn't played an FPS first shooter game before - So I picked some keys for Q3 and the rest is history.
I use my mouse for movement (mouse 1 = forward & mouse 2 = backwards)
My shoot is in the middle of the keyboard - CTRL and my strafe keys are even funnier ( ? = strafe left and (shift = strafe right). Jump isn't that strange - it's the space bar.

One problem...finding keys to bind to...pain in the ass. I have finally got all weapons bound on a key - which has made me a much better player (scroll mouse was shit) the only binds I am missing are some important CTF commands - which I just have no room for. 

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